Saturday, May 24, 2008

finding it real..

lifegroups was interesting.. i like it there.. maybe i just needed to go there more often.. =p
what interesting timing.. o.O i was thinking about this for about a few weeks now.. about life.. trying to figure out things.. at least i know i'm not alone for some parts.. and...

we talked about our identity and name.. who we are. this part is depressing but yea.. =S
Israelite name traditions--> " your name was more then just words, it was your identity" .. we started talking about what we dislike about ourself.. things we wanna change.. who we are.. well that got me thinking alot.. not really about what to change.. but what my life meant. who am i.? everyone is different, we all have our own paths right.. so why cant we be accepted for who we are.? why do we want to be like others.. or what others wants us to be.. we should not have to change ourself to please people. thats not good.. if we do that, we lose who we really are. we have to fight for who we are and what we want. if we don't, we are the ones who get hurt. we cant expect things to just be given to us without asking for it.. it would be ideal for us but that's not how life works...
i realise that it is hard for us to say what we feel and just act like nothing is wrong.. it will slowly eats us up inside. no one will know how we really feel and they will just keep treating you the way they always do.. and that would hurt you more and more.. if you tell them.. they migh try not to hurt you as much..
[not said by me.. but good points to think about.. well for me that is]

bleh >.< shouldn't be thinking about this much.. sad sad.. T.T oh well..! i find it intersting.. and a really good thing to learn.. XP [some points is from experiences]

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